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“THE MINERALIZED STRUCTURE OF THE TRES HERMANOS MINE, meets all the characteristics of a WORLD CLASS DEPOSIT.” Pantaleón Trejo

1. When walking the 3.5 km of the Mineralized Structure (South-North and South-North West), you never lose sight of its Mineralization.

2. Any sample taken at surface throughout the Structure (regardless of Leaching) reports values of Gold.

3. The Mineralized Structure is complete, not eroded.

4. The Old Mine Workings (OMW) is a point of 220 meters deep and 140 meters wide of the Structure, whose samplesreport high Gold and Copper values.

“The Tres Hermanos vein/structure is hosted by andesitic and rhyolitic volcanic rocks. The Tres Hermanos Vein outcrops continuously for more than 3.5 kilometres trending at N30°W to E-NE with breaks at W-SW and a dip of 75E.

In accord with the Batopilas mineral district, the quartz veins within the Tres Hermanos Mine Property were emplaced during three episodes. The first episode of unproductive quartz veins was followed by a second episode of north-south trending quartz veins hosting gold values, with the third and final episode of east- west quartz veins hosting gold-copper.”

Laurence Sookochoff, PEng.

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